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The 7 Step System For Women Over 40 to Burn Fat, Increase Strength, Improve Energy & Regain Mental Clarity
(Without Having To Spend Hours in The Gym or Going on a Low Fat, Low Calorie Diet!)
Join The Challenge Now For A One-Time Discounted Payment of Only €97 
(Results Guaranteed or Your Money Back!)
The Next 21 Day 'KetoKickstart' 
For Women Over 40 
Starts This Monday 
Feel Strong, Energised And Confident About Your Body In Just 21 Days
of women attempt at least 3 diets every year
is the average weight of women who are trying to lose weight
women successfully keep their weight off after losing 20 pounds or more
Have you tried eating healthy, only to find yourself going back to your "old ways" in just a few short weeks?

From: Gregg T. Marsh

Where: Dublin, Ireland

So many women I meet answer “Yes” to that exact question…

And despite being unhappy deep-down, they’ve convinced themselves that nothing more can be done. 

Maybe they’ve tried to eat healthy before, or hired a personal trainer, only to burn-out a few weeks later… 

What Is The 21 Day KetoKickstart Challenge?
Our bodies are built needing certain foods, vitamins, and minerals… and the Keto diet is the only diet that provides our body with the exact nutrition it needs to run at optimal performance (meaning it burns fat a lot quicker.)

More on that in just a second; first, let me ask you a question... 
Do You Have A Desire To Get In Shape?
A desire that you think of every single day… yet no matter you try… it remains just that… a desire.

You tell yourself you’ll “start eating healthy”, or join the gym “next week”... 

But in reality, no matter how hard you try, things stay the same. 

New diets and workout plans feel great at first… but weeks, or even days later, you give in to your cravings, and end up back at square one. 

This is where the Keto diet we just mentioned can be so effective. 

Because the Keto diet is EXACTLY what our body needs. 

(Don’t just take my word for this - a simple “Google” search will show you it’s accepted by almost all scientists, nutritionists, and health practitioners.)
But on it’s own, the Keto diet isn’t always enough. It’s hard to know what to eat… when… how to workout…

And even on this “designed-for-our-body” diet, it often proves too much for a lot of dieters. 

Thankfully, we have a solution, and it’s called…. 
Here at Synergise Strength, we help women from all over Ireland get healthy, get fit, and STAY fit with Keto dieting…

But that’s just the beginning. We know that it takes more than just following a nutrition plan to transform your body, and that’s why I created the 21-Day KetoKickstart for Women Over 40.

The 21-Day KetoKickstart for Women Over 40 is a comprehensive program that gives you everything you need to start losing weight - FAST…

And it offers a HUGE range of tools and resources, to make sure you get the results you want.

It’s all based on scientifically-proven data, and so far, we’ve helped over 500 women in the last 12 months get in the best shape of their lives, and live a happier, healthier life.

And just take a moment to picture that. 

Picture yourself in just 21-days, leaner, slimmer, and packed-full of energy you haven’t felt for years. 

Imagine waking up every single morning, and feeling GREAT when you look in the mirror… 

Imagine being able see - on a near daily basis - your waistline shrinking, belly fat disappearing… WITHOUT feeling tired, fatigued, or depressed… 

And imagine how great you’ll feel when you realize it’s NOT hard to lose weight (and stay slim), when you eat the right Keto diet. 

The 21 Day KetoKickstart for Women Over 40 helps your body melt away fat, restoring your self-confidence and giving you a body to be proud of.

Each morning, you’ll wake up feeling GREAT… with more energy, more motivation, and more confidence… 

And this new, healthy you is here to stay. Food cravings will be a thing of the past! Plus, there’s a range of other health benefits you could experience, including: 

  • Decreased Cellulite…
  • Healthier, Smoother Skin…
  • Increased Cognitive Abilities…
  • Healthy Cholesterol Levels…
THE 21 DAY KETOKICKSTART is a complete system to help Women Over 40 get into the best shape they've had in years.

It's a complete system that's been tried and tested and proven with over 20 years of research, trials and real life results behind every critical component.

During this 3 week program we will lead you step by step through everything you need to lose weight, tone up and feel so much better about yourself.

Most Women lose between 6 and 18 pounds in their 1st 21 days!

The Summer is Fast Approaching…

And I’ve got just one question for you.


Are you ready to get - and STAY - in shape, without eating a diet barely suitable for a small child?   

Are you ready to feel confidence you’ve never felt before? The kind of confidence that lets you undress without worrying your partner’s looking at you in disgust. 

Are you ready to look, and FEEL better than at ANY OTHER MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE? 

Good. Then click the big button below to begin your transformation. 
Shift Your Body Into “Fat-Burning Mode” With 
The 21-Day KetoKickstart for Women Over 40
FINALLY, you’ll be able to sculpt that dream figure you’ve always wanted…

And all while feeling happier, more-confident, and more energetic! 
Skeptical? See What The 21-Day KetoKickstart Has Done, For Yourself...
Real Results from Real People!!
Look at what these Women Lost 
in 21 Days....
8lbs 2oz
8lbs 10oz
9lbs 7oz
9lbs 7oz
13lbs 3oz
What Do I Get On The 21 Day KetoKickstart For Women Over 40?

Burn Fat and Get Toned Fast! 

Unlimited Access To The Synergise Strength Private Training Facility!
Our Strength workouts incorporate a mix of free weights, strength machines and body weight exercises designed to strengthen and tone your body, create a leaner body and improve your fitness levels.

You can pick from a choice of 10 different times and workout as many times as you want or that your schedule will allow!

The Synergise Strength Private Training Facility is located in Stepaside, Dublin 18. Only 5 minutes from The M50 from either Junction 13 or Junction 14.
(Value €697)

LIVE Seminar

"The 7 Step System For Women Over 40 to Burn Fat, Increase Strength, Improve Energy & Regain Mental Clarity!"

In this VIRTUAL WORKSHOP, I'm going to share the 7 strategies that my Members & Clients have used to smash their weight loss goals, using these very powerful techniques you will see results faster than ever before.....Some of my top clients achieved their goals and transformed their body shapes in 90 days or less.....!  
I'm going to break down step-by-step how to make your Weight Loss Goals "Quit Proof" and entirely painless. 
This Amazing LIVE Seminar is presented Via Zoom......
(Value €247)

Access To Pre-Recorded Workouts

If you miss a LIVE Workout either online or in our private facility then you can catch up or compete additional workouts via The '21 Day KetoKickstart Challenge' membership site.

Each week a new workout video unlocks for you to take your strength & fitness to a new level....

All of the workouts are 30-45 minutes so can be completed even with the most busiest of schedules..... 
(Value €197)

Do you Live or Work In or Near South Dublin (D18)?

GREAT! You can now UPGRADE to LIVE Training and coaching with The Synergise Personal Training Team.
Just Select The LIVE GYM WORKOUT Option on the next page.....

Be sure to select the time slot that you suits you best for the whole 21 Day Ketokickstart Challenge!!!

You will have access to our 5000 sq ft Ultra Modern purpose built Members-Only Private Training Facility.

Synergise is designed like no other facility in Dublin, or in fact in Ireland. All the equipment has been specially designed to help you get maximum results in the shortest time. 

Also no queuing for any equipment, machines or floor space, oh and we have plenty of space so you will have your own personal workout area to ensure Social Distancing and be able to workout with confidence and in safety....

We have 5 different time slots to choose from for our In-Person Gym Coaching Programe:

6.00am Monday, Wednesday & Friday (Only 3 Places Available)
7.00am Monday, Wednesday & Friday (Only 3 Places Available)
9.30am Monday, Wednesday & Friday (Only 3 Places Available)
7.00pm Monday, Tuesday & Thursday (Only 3 Places Available)
8.00pm Monday, Tuesday & Thursday (Only 3 Places Available)

 Click the video to see one of our latest "In-Person" Gym workouts 

(Upgrade To In-Person Gym Coaching On The Next Page!)

21 Day KetoKickstart Nutrition Plan
Includes Meal Plans, Recipe Guides & Shopping Lists

You are going to get everything you could possibly need to make your new journey successful and stress free.....

Who says healthy eating has to be confusing or tasteless?No crazy 'low calorie' dieting or 'cabbage soup' cleanses!!!

These meals can be prepped in just minutes and these amazing recipes that will help you create nutritious and delicious meals that the whole family can enjoy, ensuring that you will be able to follow this '21 Day KetoKickstart Challenge For Women Over 30'  without stress or worry.
(Value €297)

Weight Loss and Accountability Action Plan

Expert Guidance on Nutrition, Exercise 
and a 21 Day Accountability Plan

I will guide you every step of the way with my Nutrition For Weight Loss and I have over 20 years of proof of results to back up everything..!!
(Value €197)

KetoKickstart Challenge Success Manual

You will my 'get lean' blueprint where you'll discover how to get back into those old size 10 (or maybe even size 8) jeans in a safe, effective way without starving yourself or the need for crazy, expensive supplements.

This is the exact same system my best clients have used to Jumpstart their fat loss journey and then went on to amazing long term success!!

Every tip and trick that we use at Synergise to get awesome results in the fastest time possible! 

All have been tried and tested with over 21 years of factual development and research.
(Value €97)

Members Only Private Mastermind Group

A 21 Day 'all access' pass to our private accountability Mastermind group where I'll support you and keep you accountable.

This private, supportive group of positive like minded people is the 'Secret Sauce' of the Ketokickstart Challenge

When you spend your time around people who want the same goals as you, you automatically raise your game and get results like no other program on the internet!

Includes Exclusive LIVE Video Training, Nutrition and Food Log Reviews. 

This Members Only Private Network also has Recipe Hacks & LIVE Cooking Videos and much much more...
(Value €197)


21 Days Daily Email Motivation, Tips & Tricks  

Every day on this epic 21-day journey I will personally send you motivation, tips and tricks, fat loss hacks and everything you need to keep you in the game!
(Value €97)


Your Very Own Fitness App with Personal Tracking Software

Using our very own Tracking Software stored with direct access from your Mobile Phone, Tablet or Laptop you will be able to:
> Track Your Weekly Weigh-ins, 
> Record Your Body Fat Analysis, 
> Upload your Progress Photos 
> Review Your Body Measurements Each Week for Extra Motivation

Most important of all, you are able to review your goals and make sure you are on pace to smash them once and for all!
(Value €37)


Weekly Nutrition &  Coaching and Seminar

Each week we will break down all the steps needed for your ultimate success. No need to try different fads and quick fixes...

With the Synergise 21 Day KetoKickstart System you are guaranteed to look, see and feel amazing and the results will speak for themselves!!

(Value €247)

Have a Look At Our Synergisers in Action!

 Click the video to see what a Synergise Online "At-Home" Workout Looks Like? 

Synergise Strength Full Workout Schedule

Does A Thinner, Leaner, Healthier Body Sound Good To You?
Then join the '21 Day KetoKickstart For Women Over 40' today by clicking below!

Because things are about to change. 

You’re about to start transforming your body into the ultimate “fat-burning-machine”...  

You're about to start sculpting your dream body… your dream physique…  

And you know what I think you’ll like the most? 

Not only will you look great… 

You’ll FEEL great. 

No more ‘getting out of breath from everyday tasks’... 

No more excuses about getting undressed in front of your partner… 

You’ll want to show OFF your body! 

The 21 Day KetoKickstart works. And it works a LOT better than anything else out there. Why? Well, there’s a few reasons;
  •  It’s designed to fit around busy, modern-day lifestyles
  •  The meal plans ensure you don’t experience cravings an hour or two after eating…
  •  It’s based on actual science…
  • MOST IMPORTANT: It transforms your body from a sugar-harbouring machine, to a slick, well-oiled fat burning machine. 
* Disclaimer: Not everyone will get the same results and will be based upon your individuality of fitness, level of work and ability to follow the plan set for you by your coach.
Want MORE Proof?
Gregg T. Marsh is often referred to as: "The Most Successful Transformation Coach in Ireland"

Hello my name is Gregg T. Marsh and I'm the founder of Synergise Strength, Irelands #1 Fat Loss and Personal Training Program For Women Over 40
 I help women just like you achieve a tight, toned and sexier body.
Whether you landed here on purpose or by chance - I want to make it a lucky day for you...
Right now we are looking for our next amazing Success Story and the way we do that is through our 21 Day KetoKickstart Challenge...
Here’s A Recap Of
When You Accept 
The ‘21 Day KetoKickstart Challenge For Women Over 40’ Today!
Total Value = €2273
You get ALL this for just €97!


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I have not worked out in a while, will I survive the workouts?
Absolutely! We have all different fitness levels in our group training sessions and will have modifications ready for you in case you need them.
How much weight should I expect to lose on this diet plan?
If weight loss is a goal, you should expect to lose 6 -16 pounds in 21 days.
If I have a question, how can I contact you
You can contact us at gregg@the21dayketokickstart.com  we look forward to hearing from you!
If I am out of shape can I still do the program?
Yes, we have customisations for every exercise and we can scale the workouts to fit your fitness level.

* Disclaimer: Not everyone will get the same results and will be based upon your individuality of fitness, level of work and ability to follow the plan set for you by your coach. It takes work to get in shape!!
Please be aware that this program is a fully digital and online program, no physical products will be shipped

©2022 Synergise Strength - Dublin D18 DA38, Ireland       
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